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Reward Islamic dream Interpretations

Al aziz islamic dreams about Reward find dream interpretations. Meanings & explanations for Reward dictionary!   Reward dream interpretations

Reward Dream Explanation — (See Compensation; Bribe)

Incident Dream Explanation — A man said to the prophet Solomon, son of the prophet David, upon both of them be peace: “I saw a garden filled with fruit trees. In that garden, there were many pigs eating from its fruits, and a large pig who was sitting on a chair said to me: ‘O man, this fruit garden belongto these pigs.”‘ Solomon replied: “The large pig represents an unjust ruler, and the small pigs eating from that garden by his permission are the scholars who receive their reward from him for changing the laws to his liking. These are the people who sell the reward of the hereafter for the price of this world and do not ponder upon God’s punishment for their sins.”

Return Dream Explanation — (Return from a journey) When one returns from a trip in a dream, it means paying one’s dues, dispelling sorrow and sadness, escaping from ill consequences, receiving a reward, or repenting from sin. (Also see Debt)

Compensation Dream Explanation — If one finds a lost object in his dream, or if he does something that earns him a reward in a dream, this will represent his loyalty, fulfillment of his promises, protecting his friendships and striving for lawful earnings. (Also see Finding something)

Funeral Dream Explanation — Joining the funeral prayers in a dream means fostering brotherhood with people on Allah’s path. Walking by a funeral procession in a dream is interpreted to represents a hypocrite who destroys or kills an evil person. If one sees himself laid in a coffin though no one carries it in a dream, it means that he will be imprisoned. If one’s coffin is carried by a group of people, it means that he will support and serve a man of authority, then collect a financial reward for his support. Involuntarily following a funeral procession in a dream means serving a non-religious person in authority. Sitting on top of a coffin in a dream means increase in one’s wealth. If one sees himself lifted and placed in a coffin in a dream, it means that people will appoint him to a leadership position. If one sees a group of people performing a funeral prayers and crying over the loss of the deceased in a dream, it means that the conclusion of his life will be commendable. Otherwise, if they express no sorrow for his loss or cry over him, but instead criticize him in the dream, it means that the conclusion of his life will be contemptible. If a merchant, a governor or a leader sees himself sitting over a coffin that is moving freely by itself in the dream, it means taking a trip by sea. If one sees the coffin flying in a dream, it means that a great man of knowledge will die in that town and people will not know of it, or that a known person will die in a foreign land or on the way to or back from a pilgrimage. If a funeral reaches the cemetery in a dream, it means that people will surly regain their rights.

If one sees a large number of coffins scattered in a specific locality in a dream, it means that the people of that community will break into violence, adultery and evildoing. Carrying a coffin in a dream means earning unlawful income. If a woman sees her own funeral in a dream it means that she will get married. If she is married, it means payment of her debts. A funeral crossing a marketplace in a dream means liquidation of merchandise. Paying tribute to a funeral in a dream means bidding farewell or paying respect to a travelling friend.

Paying tribute to a passing funeral procession in a dream represents one’s concern for his own comfort. If the deceased in the coffin points at the person seeing the dream, it means that the latter will conduct his funeral, and he will receive a reward for his service. If he serves that funeral till the burial and the closing of the grave in a dream, it means that he will receive double that reward, the value of which reward is known only to Allah Almighty. (Also see Cemetery; Death; Funeral prayers)

Bribe Dream Explanation — (Allowance; Compensation; Reward; Skinning; Wages) A bribe in a dream represents burdens, torments and misfortunes. It also indicates one’s jealousy of others and desire to strip them of what they have. (Also see Compensation; Skinning an animal)

Commutative contract Dream Explanation — (Compensate; Interchange; Substitute) To substitute something for something better in a dream means an adversity and a distressful offense one chooses to bear with patience, contentment and accepts it as his fate until Allah Almighty removes it and replaces it with a greater reward in this world and in the hereafter. (Also see Compensation)

Incident Dream Explanation — A man said to his close friend: “If you die before me, come and tell me about what you met with.” The other man replied: “And you too!” After one of them had died, he came to his friend in a dream and said: “Trust in God Almighty, and depend on Him alone, for I saw no reward better than that of (Tawakkul) trust.”

Day of Judgment or Qiyaamah Dream Explanation — To dream of Qiyaamah having approached means that justice will prevail in that place. The oppressors will be visited with severe punishment fromAllah, for Qiyaamah isreferred to as Youmul-Jazaa and Youmul-Fasi meaningDay of Retribution and Day of Deciding who is liable for punishment and who is worthy of reward. And if the people of that locality are oppressed they will be delivered from their plight.

Laugh Dream Explanation — Paradoxically, laughter means sorrow, in view of the Quranic verse that says: “Then let them laugh a little: they will weep much, as the reward of what they used to earn.”  (“Al-Taubah” [Repentance], verse 82.) It could also mean that the dreamer will have a son, again because of a Quranic verse, which says: “And his wife, standing by, laughed when We gave her good tidings [of the birth] of Isaac, and, after Isaac, of Jacob.”  (“Hud,” verse 71.)

Yawning Dream Explanation — (Slumberous) In a dream, yawning means an illness or an affliction. It also represents an insolent act that pleases Satan. Yawning in a dream also means a surprise charge at one’s enemy. It also means a reward, because it prevents the person from speaking. Yawning in a dream also means a terminal illness.

Incident Dream Explanation — Once a man visited a cemetery. Looking at the graves, he said to himself: “I wish that a miracle takes place and that some of these people come out and tell me about what they saw!” He then sat beside one of the graves pondering, when he was seized by slumber. In his sleep, someone appeared to him in a dream and said: “Do not boast about the way you fashion the gravestones and how you maintain the look of the cemetery. For under these gravestones there are people whose cheeks have decayed. Some are blessed and are awaiting God’s reward and His paradise, while others are distressed with their past and are suffering the consequences of their deeds. Beware of heedlessness.”

Patience Dream Explanation — (Fettering; Forbearance; Self-control) Exercising patience in a dream means glad tidings, or a warning about an adversity, or perhaps it could mean success in one’s endeavors. If one exercises patience toward harm or adversities he suffers in a dream, it means that he will rise in station, or receive a financial reward, or it could mean enjoying good living, safety, good health and victory in one’s life.

Abel Dream Explanation — Seeing Abel, the second son of Adam in a dream means suffering from people’s jealousy, grievance, chicanery, or that one may be killed by his enemy. It also means that an unjust person will envy him. Seeing Abel in a dream also means piety, devotion to Allah Almighty, feebleness toward a woman or making an offering to please Allah Almighty and entering the heavenly paradise as a reward. One who sees Abel in a dream should beware of his brethren and close friends, and he should fear for his life.

Praises Dream Explanation — Praising Allah Almighty and thanking Him in a dream means receiving benefits and a great reward. It also means finding guidance for one’s religious life. Praising Allah Almighty in a dream is also interpreted as begetting one or two sons who will grow to become religious scholars. As for a poor man, praising Allah Almighty in a dream means wealth. If one sees people praising him in a dream, it means that he will live up to it and do good. If he sees them showering him with money in the dream, it means that they are speaking ill of him.

Crane Dream Explanation — This bird symbolizes a poor, weak, and incapable stranger or sociable people who like to share and participate. It augurs well for travellers and anyone who wishes to get married or have a boy.
• Seeing a crane:  (1) Will embark on a long journey.  (2) Will return safe and sound to one’s family from a journey.
• Cranes flying in a country’s skies: A harbinger of extremely cold weather and unbearable storms during the year.
• Cranes assembled in winter: Beware of thieves and highway bandits.
• Catching a crane:  (1) Will have a marital relationship with ill-reputed people known for their corruption and bad character.  (2) Will earn a reward.
• Riding on a crane: Will become poor.

Incident Dream Explanation — The governor of Alexandria was tried once with extreme attachment and love for his five children. All five were steadfast in their religious commitment. One night, the governor saw in a dream as though his five fingers were cut off. He woke up extremely disturbed and told his five children his dream. The children called in a dream interpreter called Sheikh Yusuf Al-Karbouni at once. After hearing the dream, Shaikh Yusuf, God bless his soul, smiled and said: “It is not like you think, but if I tell you the meaning of your dream, you must give me a good reward.” The governor thus obliged. Shaikh Yusuf, then said: “Are you negligent of your five times prayers?” The governor replied in the affirmative. Shaikh Yusuf continued: “This the meaning of your dream, so repent to God Almighty, and be steadfast in your religion.”

Excretion Dream Explanation — (Ritual impurity) If one’s bowels discharge excess excrements in a dream, it means hindrance of one’s travel plans. If one discharges solid Feces in a dream, it means that he does not spend his money on sickness. If it is an abnormal discharge of liquid matters from one’s bowels in the dream, it means that he will squander most of his money. If one uses a lavatory near a known ablution area in the dream, it means that his spending relate to his passion, desires and wantonness. If the location is unknown in the dream, it means that he unknowingly, but willingly spends his wealth in unlawful avenues, whereby he will reap no reward or benefit from it. Discharging Feces in the open and covering it with dirt in a dream means burying money in a hole and covering it with dirt. (Also see Impurity; Feces; Urinating)

Hug Dream Explanation — (Cuddle; Embrace; Hold) To embrace a living person in a dream means to associate with him and to love him. To give a deceased person a short hug in a dream means longevity. To give a deceased person a long and a continuous embrace in a dream means one’s own death. To embrace a woman in a dream means embracing the pleasures and attractions of this world and to despair of any reward in the hereafter. To hold tight to a piece of fruit, or to endear certain food one loves in a dream means easy profits or lawful earnings. If an unmarried person holds tight or embraces a garment in a dream, it means that he will get married. If one hugs a pair of shoes in a dream, it means that he will hold a new position or a job that will make him extremely happy. (Also see Embrace; Grabbing; Gripping; Sexual intercourse)

Coffin Or Ark Dream Explanation — Among other things, the coffin symbolizes a man’s wife or shop. The better it looks, the better they would look.
• Being carried in a coffin: A high post or promotion inasmuch as the coffin was carried high or a successful sea or land journey.  (The Arabic word for coffin is naash, coming from naasha, to lift up, revive.)
• Seeing a new coffin: Prestige and prosperity.
• Being in a coffin: Will have plenty of money.

• Buying or being offered a coffin or finding one at home: Will become a king or rule in some way or the other and gain wisdom, prestige, and reassurance, in view of a verse in the Holy Quran that reads: “And their Prophet said unto them: Lo! the token of his kingdom is that there shall come unto you the ark wherein is quietude from your Lord, and a remnant of that which the house of Moses and the house of Aaron left behind, the angels bearing it. Lo! herein shall be a token for you if  (in truth) ye are believers.”  (“Al-Baqarah” [The Cow], verse 248.)

• Manufacturing or ordering the building of a coffin: You are a benefactor and God will reward you.
• A coffin being broken: Bad omen.


Our Lord! Forgive us our sins as well as those of our brethren who proceeded us in faith and let not our hearts entertain any unworthy thoughts or feelings against [any of] those who have believed. Our Lord! You are indeed full of kindness and Most Merciful (59:10)