Aaron Islamic Dreams Interpretations
Aaron Dream Explanation (The Prophet Aaron, the older brother of Allah’s prophet Moses, upon both of them be peace.) Seeing the prophet Aaron (uwbp) in a dream means exaltedness, leadership, or that one may become an Imam, a vice-regent of a great person, and perhaps suffer from many adversities because of it. Finally, he will triumph and attain his goals, or he may destroy a tyrant and an unjust ruler. If a warrior sees Allah’s prophet Moses or his brother the prophet Aaron, upon both of them be peace and blessings, in a dream, it means that he will be victorious and triumph over his enemy.
Aaron Dream Explanation See Harun.
Harun Dream Explanation Seeing the prophet Harun (Aaron): (1) The dreamer will become the successor of a man because of whom he will have to undergo hard tests and engage in disputes, but will ultimately triumph. (2) The dreamer will become an imam (Muslim spiritual leader who usually commands his folk and leads the prayers). (3) Pending matters will be processed in the dreamers favour. (4) The dreamer will win a battle. Seeing Harun and Musa (Moses) together: The dreamer will bring about the fall of a tyrant.
Coffin Or Ark Dream Explanation Among other things, the coffin symbolizes a mans wife or shop. The better it looks, the better they would look. Being carried in a coffin: A high post or promotion inasmuch as the coffin was carried high or a successful sea or land journey. (The Arabic word for coffin is naash, coming from naasha, to lift up, revive.) Seeing a new coffin: Prestige and prosperity. Being in a coffin: Will have plenty of money. Buying or being offered a coffin or finding one at home: Will become a king or rule in some way or the other and gain wisdom, prestige, and reassurance, in view of a verse in the Holy Quran that reads: And their Prophet said unto them: Lo! the token of his kingdom is that there shall come unto you the ark wherein is quietude from your Lord, and a remnant of that which the house of Moses and the house of Aaron left behind, the angels bearing it. Lo! herein shall be a token for you if (in truth) ye are believers. (Al-Baqarah [The Cow], verse 248.) Manufacturing or ordering the building of a coffin: You are a benefactor and God will reward you. A coffin being broken: Bad omen.
Resuscitate (Live Again) Dream Explanation Resuscitating: (1) Will overcome poverty and become rich or self-sufficient. (2) Will become an apostate (change religion). (3) Will come back safe and sound from a journey in view of a verse in the Holy Quran that reads: Bethink thee [O Muhammad] of those of old, who went forth from their habitations in their thousands, fearing death,46 and Allah said unto them: Die, and then He brought them back to life (Al-Baqarah [The Heifer], verse 243.) (4) Will commit a sin, then repent, in view of a verse in the Holy Quran that reads: They say: Our Lord! Twice hast Thou made us die, and twice hast Thou made us live. Now we confess our sins. Is there any way to go out? (Ghafer [The Forgiver] or Al-Mumin [The Believer], verse 11.) (5) Will live long. (6) The dreamer is a tanner. Resuscitating someone: Will help an atheist become a Muslim or a debauchee repent, or the dreamer will simply repent. Ones grandfather or grandmother resuscitating: Revival of efforts and luck, as the word for grandparent in Arabic is a homonym of endeavour. Ones father or mother resuscitating: Relief from worries. (The dream involving the father is more likely to come true.) Resuscitation of a son: Emergence of a most unexpected enemy. Resuscitation of a daughter: Relief and satisfaction. Resuscitation of a brother: The dreamers weakness will turn into strength in view of the following verses: (My Lord), appoint for me a henchman from my folk, Harun [Aaron], my brother. Confirm my strength with him. (Ta-Ha, verses 2931.) Resuscitation of a sister: An absent one will return from abroad, bringing joy, owing to the Quranic verse that reads: And she said unto his sister: Trace him. So she sighted him from afar, whereas they perceived not (Al-Qasas [The Requital, verse 11) . Resuscitation of an uncle or an aunt: Return or revival of a matter that had gone out of the dreamers hands. Dead women rising beautifully dressed with full makeup: The dreamer or the family of these women will witness the revival of certain matters, depending on how beautiful the women looked and how well they were dressed. White dresses refer to religious matters, red to entertainment, and black to wealth, power, and mastery. If their dresses are tattered, it means poverty and worries; dirty dresses symbolize the accumulation of sins. Making love to ones resuscitated wife and getting wet with her water (semen): (1) Pending matters will be settled favourably, and money will be spent willingly in the right way. (2) Will resume ones leadership. (3) Business will be lucrative. Marrying a resuscitated woman and taking her to ones house: Will do something, then regret it. Marrying a resuscitated woman, taking her to ones house, penetrating her, and spreading her discharge all over ones body: Will regret some act, lose as a result of it, and experience worries, but things will be set right later on. The more discharge there was on the dreamers body, the better. The same interpretation would apply if the hero of the dream was a woman and the discharge a mans sperm. Marrying a resuscitated woman, abstaining from touching her, but settling in her house: Will die. Finding a dead person alive in his grave: Will become wise and pious and achieve orderly gains. Going to a graveyard to unearth the dead and finding some of them alive and the others not: A bloodbath will take place in that spot or country. A pharaoh resuscitating and ruling a country: Tyranny or corruption will prevail and the peoples condition will deteriorate. al-aziz.com
Mule Dream Explanation The mule with its saddle, reins, and other equipment is a beautiful woman of letters but of low origin. It might also symbolize a barren or childless woman. Every time she has a child, he will die. A gray mule: A beautiful woman. A green mule: A virtuous lady who will live long. Riding on a black mule: A rich and childless woman who wields tremendous power. (Paradoxically, the words black and master in Arabic are homonyms.) Riding someone elses mule: Will flirt or sleep with someone elses woman. Riding on a mule backward: A sinful woman. A mule with its pack saddle and necessary gear: A reference to travel. A talking mule or horse: Extraordinary welfare is ahead and people will talk about it. Owning a pregnant mule: You wish to increase your wealth. A mule having delivered: A wish will be fulfilled. Riding on a submissive mule above the load it is already carrying on its back: Good augury and righteousness or reform. A weak mule that has no apparent owner: A wicked man you should reckon with. A male mule that conceives and delivers: Wishes will come true. MUSA (MOSES). Seeing Musa or Harun (Aaron): A tyrant will perish at the dreamers hands. Seeing Musa or Harun before going to war: Will return triumphant. Seeing Musa: (1) Will never be defeated or subdued. (2) Strength of the rightful and defeat of the wicked. (3) Escape from the evil of a tyrant or a corrupt ruler. (4) The dreamer is worried and helpless vis-a-vis his family members, but will overcome them, defeat his enemy, and crush the latters soldiers. (5) Will face many hard tests during childhood, some from ones parents and relatives, be nurtured by strangers, mix with kings and tyrants, see a promise fulfilled, and have marital relations with blessed people and be acquainted, through them, with wonders, because Musa was the friend of Al-Khidr (a mysterious sage sent by God who, according to various descriptions, was the oldest man who ever lived before Moses, buried Adam; whose identity is highly controversial, and who could be Melchizedek or St. George). He made a hole in a ship to which Musa and himself were given a generous ride, slew a lad without apparent reason, and set up straight a wall for people who had refused him and Musa food and hospitality. Khidr concealed the wisdom of all those acts while performing them to test Musa’s patience and prove to him, in the end, that Musa did not encompass all knowledge. In fact, Khidr had, paradoxically, scuttled the boat to save its owners from a kind of pirate king who was following them and killed the boy because he would become an intolerable figure if he were allowed to grow older and corrupt or kill his parents by exploiting their weakness for him. He saved the wall because there was a treasure under it and God wanted the virtuous orphans of the selfish landlords of that place to take possession of it as a heritage. (The story is related in the Quranic chapter Al-Kahf [The Cave], verses 6082.) (6) A reference to some good emissary or someone using his good offices. (7) Will return safe and sound and with some gains from a sea journey. (8) Someone is backbiting you. (9) An impediment in ones speech or some deformity in the head. A destitute person seeing Moses: Enlightenment and promotion. A woman seeing Musa: Her son is in danger of being lost or facing some hard test, but will be safe. A boy child seeing Musa: Danger of perdition and hardships, but will escape unharmed. Seeing oneself in the image of Musa or wearing his clothes: (1) If a ruler plagued by an enemy, will triumph over that enemy and fulfil his aspirations. (2) If a prisoner or someone in difficulty on land or at sea, will trade successfully. Seeing Musa’s stick: Triumph of the believers and defeat of the atheists. Seeing Musa’s stick in ones hand: Extraordinary elevation and triumph over enemy and, if bewitched or rendered impotent by witchcraft, will see an end to that.