Fighting War Islamic Dream Interpretations
Al Aziz Islamic dreams about Fighting War find dream interpretations. Meanings & explanations for Fighting War dictionary! Fighting War dream interpretations
War Dream Explanation — (Fight) In a dream, war means deception, betrayal, misleading, or trickery. War in a dream also means inflation, rising prices, a plague, food lines, adversities and stress. If a soldier sees himself fighting an enemy in a dream, it means that he will gain benefits and success in his life. (Also see War correspondent)
War correspondent Dream Explanation — (Correspondent; Exchanging letters; Spy) Exchanging letters between two army camps in a dream means nearing the end of one’s life, quelling a riot, accepting the truth, following what is lawful, death of a sick person, or the victory of an oppressed person. If one becomes a war correspondent in a dream, it means that he may become a spy, or be promoted in his field. (Also see War)
Jihad, Religious War, Or Muslim Struggle Dream Explanation — • Going to Jihad: Will triumph, obtain people’s gratitude, and be praised and dignified in view of a verse in the Holy Quran: “Those of the believers who sit still, other than those who have a (disabling) hurt, are not on an equal footing with those who strive in the way of Allah with their wealth and lives. Allah hath conferred on those who strive with their wealth and lives a rank above the sedentary. Unto each Allah hath promised good, but He hath bestowed on those who strive a great reward above the sedentary.” (“Al-Nisa” [Women], verse 95.)
• Seeing people going to Jihad: Those people will emerge victorious and become stronger and greater.
• Seeing oneself fighting the atheist alone with the sword and striking right and left: The dreamer will triumph over enemies.
• Being in a religious battle and staying on the sidelines or turning away: The dreamer will no longer endeavour for the welfare of his family, will stop supporting his relatives, and will no longer be religious, in view of a verse in the Holy Quran: “Would ye then, if ye were given the command, work corruption on Earth and sever your ties of kinship?” (Muhammad, verse 22.)
• Emerging victorious from a religious battle: The dreamer will achieve business gains or trade will be prosperous.
• Dying in the way of Allah: Joy, welfare, and dignity, owing to the Quranic verses: “Think not of those who are slain in the way of Allah, as dead. Nay, they are living. With their Lord they have provision: Jubilant (are they) because of that which Allah hath bestowed upon them His bounty, rejoicing for the sake of those who have not joined them but are left behind: that there shall no fear come upon them neither shall they grieve.” (“Al-Imran” [Imran Family], verses 169–170.)
Fighting a Camel Dream Explanation — fighting or quarrelling with a camel means he will fight with his enemy.
A Fighting Horse Dream Explanation — If a person sees the horse fighting with him it means he will commit a serious crime landing himself in some misfortune whose seriousness depends on the strength of such a horse.
Fighting a Snake Dream Explanation — Fighting a snake means a person will fight his enemy. Overpowering it means he will gain victory over him. And if he is overpowered it means he will be defeated.
A Cat Fighting Someone Dream Explanation — the person with whom the cat is fighting will become ill in the very near future. If the cat is overpowered, he will recover quickly. But if the cat bites him he will remain ill for a lengthy period. According to Ibn Sirin his illness will span for one whole year. And a wild cat bespeaks of more serious illness and for a greater period.
Cock fighting Dream Explanation — (Gamecock) Cock fight in a dream means prodding and instigating a dispute between close friends or colleagues, or it could mean provoking enmity between scholars or a dispute between two muezzins who call to prayers in a mosque.
Hornet Dream Explanation — A hornet in a dream represents a fighting enemy, a builder, an architect, a thief, a highway robber, a despicable person whose earnings are unlawful, a singer who sings in the wrong key, eating poisonous food, or disclosing something. A hornet in a dream also represents a slanderer, a troublemaker, a strong fighter, a strong enemy that will argue against the truth, or merciless people, a vile person, a blood thirsty person, a stinging personality, or a harmful connection. Fighting attacking hornets in a dream means a war with evil people.
Fight Dream Explanation — In a dream, a fight means deception, betrayal, misleading or trickery. A fight in a dream also means inflation and rising prices, plague, food lines, adversities or stress. If a soldier sees himself engaged in a battle in a dream, it means that he will receive benefits and a rewarding success. Fighting unjust people in a dream means triumph over injustice, supporting the needs of one’s father or mother first, or being protective of one’s wife or husband. Fighting against the truth in a dream means aligning oneself with heedless people or going astray. (Also see Disbelief; Killing; War; Wrestling)
Indemnification Dream Explanation — (War tax) Paying war tax in a dream means either humiliation, or regaining one’s integrity.
Weasel Dream Explanation — (Marten; Mongoose) In a dream, a weasel represents an insolent person, a fool and a stupid man who is unjust and ruthless. If a weasel enters a house in a dream, it means that evil or adversities may take place inside one’s dwellings. A weasel is the only mammal that can kiss a snake. Thus, seeing a weasel in a dream may represent a prostitute or adultery. Fighting with a weasel in a dream means fighting with a prostitute or an adulteress.
Lynx Dream Explanation — (Cheetah; Panther) Lynx, a cheetah, or a panther in a dream represent might, exaltation, cuddling and coquetry, along with anger, rage and enmity. A lynx in a dream also represents an enemy who does not show either his enmity nor friendliness. Fighting with a lynx in a dream means fighting with someone with such qualities and character. Using a lynx to hunt with in a dream means prosperity and might.
Extinguishing a fire Dream Explanation — Extinguishing a fire in a dream means putting off or quelling a riot, deterring a war or abolishing innovation. If one sees himself in a dream smothering an already dead fire, it means that he is trying to rekindle an old war or to provoke evil between people.
Gamecock Dream Explanation — (See Cock fighting)
Safflower Dream Explanation — (Dyestuff; Orange) Safflower in a dream represents a pleasant party that will be interrupted or followed by bad news. Safflower in a dream also represents one’s working tools, a war proclamation, the defeat of those who call for a war, and women’s role in provoking a fight. If safflower is planted around the thorny tragacanth plant (bot. Astragalus) in a dream, it means receiving overwhelming benefits one did not anticipate.
Incident Dream Explanation — Once the Caliph Omar Bin Al-Khattab, God be pleased with him, appointed a judge for Syria. When the man left Mecca, one night he saw in a dream that the sun, the moon, and the stars were fighting against one another. Then, the man himself became a star and participated in the fight in the dream. Halfway through his journey, the man returned to Medina and told the Caliph about his dream. Omar asked: “When you became a star in the dream, did you fight on the side of the sun or that of the moon?” The man replied: “I fought on the side of the moon.” Omar replied: “Go away, and do not work for me.” Later on, the man joined the army of Yaz’id in Syria and died fighting the caliphate during the battle of Siffin.
Fight Dream Explanation — The rule of interpretation in dreams involving fighting and wrestling is that if the two adversaries are of different kinds, like man and animal, he who wins in the dream will triumph in reality. Otherwise, it is the winner who is the loser.
Wrestling Dream Explanation — (Fight; Struggle) If one sees himself wrestled to the ground in a dream, it means that he may lose his wealth. However, the one who is wrestled to the ground in the dream will ultimately be victorious. The winner in the dream is the loser in wakefulness. If there is a witness during the fight, then it could mean that the winner in the dream may become the winner in wakefulness. This could also happen if the winner in the dream has better preparedness, or if he is fighting for his food, such as in a struggle between a beast and a human being. If one sees two friends fighting a wrestling match in a dream, the loser in the dream has better standing in wakefulness. Wrestling in a dream also could mean a sickness that may befall the loser, or it could denote the consequences of an illness. If one sees himself battling with a beast, and if he kills the beast in the dream, it means relief from difficulties and dispelling of his sorrows and sufferings. If one reaches the throes of death in his fight in the dream, it means that he will triumph over his enemies. (Also see Wrestling match)
Tiger Dream Explanation — It symbolises a powerful and dangerous enemy. Fighting with one means one will fight an enemy with great strength and power.